Friday, January 15, 2010

An Older Brother?

Ciao! My name is Derek Evans, otherwise known as "Shade." I know that nickname sounds dark at first glance, but I assure you its meaning is not. It is merely my guitarist-stage name, like The Edge and Slash, referencing to my love for creating and finding various "shades and/or hues" in music... I am the oldest member of this famiglia, and the Italian of the group. Yes, I realize that my name does not sound Italian what-so-ever. Like Kristen, I also have ancestors from more than one country - namely Welsh (Evans), Spaniard (Azai and Leone), German (Claussan), and of course, Italian (Cavallini). I typically claim the Italian roots over the others, merely for my love of all things Italian, from automobiles, to music, to the food and language, and of course, the girls... I mean palazzos and villas...

Well, these are the basics about me. Here is my side of the story:

I have been close friends with the Thai for quite a while now. We both attended the same high school in Asheville, both sang in it's Advanced Ensemble, and both attended a certain Christian organization known as "Shine." I was merely 1 graduating class ahead of her. Eventually the time came for me to move past high school into the purely chaotic world of college. Oye. My first year lead me into a warm group of people whom are mostly from the Charlotte area. Yes, we are all still great friends who clicked really well and have been growing spiritually for over a year now. We found a good church, got planted, and are still growing, and are very much our own little family. Yes, we have experienced some rocky bits, and have not always seen eye-to-eye, but we have endured...

A wonderful year passed by, and a new academic year began. Kristen ended up here at the same university, and it was this semester in that I began to meet a new batch of extraordinary people. I met one of the Germans at a concert held by one of my favorite bands, mae, which I also drug the Thai to see. This first German was also in my English class, (irony? I think not.) we had just never really met. Thus began a joyful relationship, held together by me teasing my young female friends. But, this was not the end of this new family. Closer towards the end of that semester, I was introduced to another German - another dude! Huzzah! Not a bad group of freshmen, if I do say so myself.

Now, this is the second family I am apart of, and wouldn't you know, the bond has all been the same. Through Christ, yes most obviously, but there was another fashion - the parlour of a dorm - the exact same way my first college family bonded together. I have high hopes for this newest family that I have been introduced into, and will do my best to make it not so dysfunctional - as a split is not too desirable.

Well, there you have it. God works in crazy ways, and pairs you with crazy people that you just can't shake off... Totally kidding about that last part. Its a great group, and an honor to be a part of it.

God Bless,
~The Shade