Saturday, January 23, 2010

Catching Up

Happy New Year!! It's a new year and new memories are in store!

So now that you know who we each are and how we came together, it's time to catch you up on what's been happening since we met.  This way we can keep you presently informed after we covered all our bases on our past adventures.  So here we are, some of our favorite moments! 

The Meteor Shower: 
One of our very first nights spent together happened at the beginning of November when the campus erupted with word about a huge meteor shower that could be seen around midnight on Monday night. So of course being the random adventurers we are, we decided that we were going to be there to see this amazing meteor shower. So off we went to go see the shower that was supposed to consist of thousands of falling stars.  We tracked across campus to the golf course and camped out in hopes to see this fascinating moment in universal history. However to our dismay and after three hours of sitting in the cold we only saw one star and even then only Nate and I saw it.  Derek and Kristen were too distracted with Nate screaming that the world was going to end due to the huge size of this star.  But even though the sky let us down that night we still had a wonderful time chasing each other through the woods, taking pictures, and laughing until our sides hurt.  All in all it was a productive night that we all regretted doing when having to wake up for 8 o'clock class but in the end it was totally worth it! 

The Wakka Wakka: 
It's been said that I have a "look." Apparently this look is the glare that I give when I get mad at someone over something.  However, only three people have ever claimed to have seen this look and Derek is not one of them.  So since Derek feels the need to experience this look before he dies he spent (and still spends) much of his time trying to make me mad and earn this look.  Derek and I remain the two people who have almost everything in common including, 80's music, morals and beliefs, and love of Italy and architecture, so there's very little to argue about (even though we do jokingly all the time.) This will remain my favorite Derek moment and has been quoted multiple times in many awkward moments within the gang.  At lunch one day, Derek decided to come up with an "awkward turtle" version of me, called the "awkward Anya." In order to do the awkward Anya you must shape your hands as if you were playing the bassoon, say "Wakka Wakka," throw your hands up and yell "BOOM!" This is apparently the sound the bassoon makes when it explodes... Unfortunately, this did not earn him the look but only laughs from around the table. 

We are the masters of random roadtrips... okay so they aren't really roadtrips but more like getting in the car and going to whatever is within an hours driving distance of Greensboro.  This includes various trips to Target (never let Nate turn your GPS to speak in German, by the way), the mall, Steak and Shake, and random house hunting around downtown.  In this instance Kristen and I decided one day that we were going to go back to Asheboro, where I'm from, to see my high school's performance of Les Miserables. Kristen is obviously the best friend to go to with girl issues and we've spent multiple hours watching Moonlighting until 4 in the morning, getting Starbucks, and talking until our lungs hurt. So off we went with cookie dough and loud indie music playing with the windows rolled down. After the grand tour of Asheboro (that lasted like 15 minutes) we headed to the zoo and climbed the elephant statues before we headed to the amazing show. It's the little moments like this that makes life so beautiful and spending it with best friends is what makes it such an amazing adventure.

Slice of Heaven:
If there's one thing you'll find out about us, it's that we have a serious love of really good food! So after telling the gang about my favorite bakery, Ganache, we had to take a trip to downtown to get a piece of cake.  Ganache probably makes the best cakes that I've ever eaten in my life but on the downside they'll make you gain 5 pounds with one slice.  You think I'm kidding? After we indulged in our Ganache cake, Derek and Kristen both got boxes to take the rest of their cake home.  While heading to the car, Nate and Derek got into a fake fight and Derek put his cake on top of the car. After they finally got done beating each other up we all got into the car and headed out to look at Christmas lights in my favorite historic neighborhood.  An hour later we dropped Derek off at the apartment and when he got out he realized he had left the cake on the top of the car.  But no worries, it was still there even after all those turns and twists in the road.  Like I said Ganache will make you gain 5 pounds and serves as it's own weight when you leave a piece on the top of the car!

Italiano Night: 
The four of us are cooks at heart and enjoy spending our Saturday nights cooking.  The most memorable night we ever spent together was our Italino night that took place at the apartment.  Huge amounts of food were cooked and our friends gathered for a wonderful night of music, lots of alfredo and salad, coconut tarts, a lava lamp, and UFC. Indeed it's a slightly weird mix but it led to some amazing memories and a wonderful time slaving over the stove, cutting up tomatoes, and creating dishes that were made with love and happiness. 

Movie Nights: 
Die Hard, Under the Tuscan Sun,  A Beautiful Mind, The Skeleton Key, King Arthur, and the list goes on.  Our greatest form of entertainment is typically our movie nights. In this case, our movie night consisted of a reenactment of Paranormal Activity, involving Nate and Derek.  I do believe this was the funniest random moment that any of us had ever witnessed.

A Night To Remember: 
The day before finals started we spent the evening at our favorite Gelato place, Coffeeology.  It was a much enjoyable evening that followed the sunny and warm day we had spent hanging out together.  The night gave off a sense of freedom and carefree-ness even though we all knew we had studying ahead of us.  Later that night while working in my room a friend of ours Samantha popped up on my facebook and told me that she was in a lot pain and needed our help.  We rushed over there to find her unable to move due to excruciating pain in her lower abdomen. Even though we all had 8 and 9 AM exams the next morning we went with Sam to the emergency room refusing to leave her side. Before she left we all joined hands and prayed for her and we all know that the little prayer we said before she left made all the difference in the world.  I think Kristen put it best in her facebook note about the situation when she said: "I never thought I'd ever spend so much time in a place that can trigger and hold so many emotions. I've always heard of and had friends who have spent countless hours pacing in waiting rooms, anxious for any news. I never thought I'd be the one to hold their hand when they're afraid and tell them that everything is going to be alright. It is times like this when God is saying,"don't be afraid. I brought you your sister. you are not alone." These times are the times when you look back later and either laugh or smile because you know it's the moment when God strengthened the bond of friendship; the bond of family.
That night was followed by countless amounts of worries and fears and later turned into laughs and exhausted comments about stupid things on TV after we passed the point of comprehension. Sam ended up being okay, we all passed the exams, and we all look back on that night as one of the most God filled moments any of us had experienced.  

Italy Bound: 
We're bonded by many things and one them is the love for Europe and architecture.  Although we have this dream about moving to Italy one day we might just have to settle for something else in the meantime.  This is a house by UNCG on Tate Street in which we all fell in love with the moment we saw it. We're living here, end of story.

I'm pretty sure Nate, Kristen, and I are the biggest dorks on the campus of UNCG.  We will openly admit that a Monday night hobby would be GeoCaching, a world wide treasure hunt that's run by entering coordinates from the GeoCaching website to your GPS.  So if you see anyone wandering aimlessly around the campus looking under bushes or around light poles, it's probably us.

Mother, Son Days:
I've covered memories with Kristen and Derek so now it's time to cover the best memory of Nate. Lucky for Nate and I, we only live 45 minutes away from each other when we're both at home. So over Christmas he came to see me in Asheboro. Nate is the only member of the family who has witnessed the terror of Anya while watching a live basketball game (this was only my brother's game, let's not get started on my Carolina games!)  I'm apparently a very violent person when it comes to basketball, not that I mean to, I just get really worked up and end up screaming or hitting people on accident.  However, Nate claims that I'm more entertaining than the game itself, so I think it's all worth it in the end. We also are the only two who lives so close together (he lives 102 and we live in 202.)  Nate's ceiling is my floor so he often just goes to his room to only sleep and stays with us the majority of the day.  Over the course of our relationship we've  spent countless amounts of time talking until 3 in the morning, watching movies, ranting about PCOS, going to church together, and eating strawberry ice cream late at night. He's the greatest adopted son any girl could have.  

Ally's Weekend: 
My best friend from high school, Alleson came to spend the weekend with us last weekend.  She currently attends ECU and is seriously considering transferring to UNCG.  We spent the weekend entertaining her around campus and downtown, giving her a glimpse of our everyday life. On Sunday Nate and  I took her to church and later to Elizabeth's Pizza and Maxie B's with us and Derek.  By the time the day was over and she had witnessed the fellowship of our church and the love of each other that we surround ourselves with everyday, she has decided to transfer to UNCG! We're all pretty excited to have Ally join our group  of friends and even more excited that we got to share our story and love with someone!

Family Christmas: 
Since we couldn't spend Christmas together in December, we decided to spend it together once we got back to school on the 18th of January.  And since we didn't have a Christmas tree we used my wooden parrot, Oswaldo, as the guarder of the gifts (yes, you can question why I have a wooden parrot in my dorm.) Even though it was January, the love of Christmas was still there. So it was our first family Christmas together and it was everything you would expect the night to be. :)

So now you're all caught up on the greatest adventures and there's sure to be more in store so thank you to our followers and keep reading! :)